Lee & Lucy

Posts in the category 'world-tour-200203'

Posts earlier than 18 December 2002

The Trek Up Mount Doom

I didn't sleep on Thursday night, Lucy caught 40 winks for a couple of hours, but seeing as we were heading to Mount Doom (thats Mount Batur! - Lucy) at 2am I thought it was wise that one of us stayed awake. As promised, our driver was sitting outside the hotel at 2am, so we started our adventure to Mount Batur. As soon as the engine was on I was out for the count, I…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

Dolphins and Snorkeling

We haven't posted in a week, you best get ready for a major update! We arrived in Bali on Thursday night, not knowing where the best place to start was, we got talking to another traveller who was heading to Kuta. It seemed the good thing to do, so we shared a taxi with him. Tired from the flight, we booked into the first hotel we got to. The room was only £7 per night…

Posted on by Lucy Kehoe

17 Mosquito bites later...

Sorry we haven't updated in all most a week! But we're both doing fine. Bali is not quite what we were expecting, guess we gone to the wrong places to see these postcard images you get of Bali. We're going to be doing a detailed posting tomorrow, but here's a sneak peak... We saw…

Posted on by Lucy Kehoe

Singapore: Final Hour

Can you believe our last hour before going to the Airport is spent in an Internet Cafe updating this for you. Here's a brief recap of the past few days... Monday My Birthday! Spent in style travelling back to Singapore with ample leg-room on the coach, so at least Lee wasn't whinging about his knees. We had the obligatory 1 hour wait for the coach however was still necessary. The coach was fitted with a VCD…

Posted on by Lucy Kehoe

Photographs are online!

It's taken us a while to get the photos online, this is due to the fact that most internet cafes wont let you use USB or even CD-ROMS?! Anyways we've sorted it out, but we've already got 300+ photos, so we've added a selection. Take a look and enjoy. http://www.lee-and-lucy.com/travelblog/photos.php We'll add a proper posting later on... I know you're all waiting for the next installment of the World…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

No posting today... sorry

I'm in an Internet Cafe on my tod. Lucy isn't feeling too well, so she's gone for a nap. Big thanks to all the Happy Birthday emails yesterday, it made Lucy's day... she's going to post a BIG THANKS email…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher