Lee & Lucy

Archive listing for 2002-11

Posts earlier than 22 November 2002

Um Shanti

Monday night we went to Raffles to have a long distant Singapore Sling with Lucy's Grandad, Cheers! Crazy thing about the Long Bar at Raffles is that you are encouraged to make a mess and throw peanuts at eat other! It was great, we had a riot! Tuesday daytime we explored Orchard Road (western-style shopping place), after an hour or two of shopping jet-lag finally caught up with us. So we went back to…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

Singapore & The 12 Hour Flight

Saturday morning was crazy. I had a major hangover (thanks to Steve's cousin's drinking games) - but we get our act together, packed our bags, made it to the airport (big thanks to Pete & Mary for the lift)... Arrived at Heathrow expecting a long check-in, but to our amazement it wasso quick that we didn't even have time to request fire-exit seats (due to my long legs)...we didn't even manage a window seat. It was…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

The Night Before

Thanks to all those whose who came out to say Good Bye or checked out the web site and emailed Bon Voyage messages. Fair play for Chudley who made it out of Brisol to the heart of North Somerset. Hopefully we will get up in the morning and manage to get the rucksacks packed. If not, I'm sure Singapore has clothes shops. Lee's bank balance should cope with a shopping trip. (ouch! - Lee) Love you all…

Posted on by Lucy Kehoe

Down to Bristol...

We arrived in Bristol late last night. Lucy asked me to stay awake whilst she was driving... I did really well, until about midnight, when I just nodded off. I did wake up again - when Lucy gave me an ever-so loving smack in the head! The next few days are going to be hectic! Lots to sort…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

Welcome to the website

With less than a week to go before we start our trip, everything is a bit manic at the moment... We leave Liverpool this Tuesday night (farewell drinks at Penny Lane Wine Bar on Monday from 9pm onwards), to head down to Bristol to say bye to the West Country Folk (also known as the Kehoe clan). We've finally got this website up and running, so for everyone who's been waiting for it... here it is...…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher