Lee & Lucy

Posts in the category 'general'

Posts earlier than 24 April 2005

Santa Dash 2004

Last weekend (5/12/04) we did the first Liverpool Santa Dash. Over 2000 people turned up dressed as Santa Claus, getting close to the 3000 Santas needed to beat the "world record", (maybe next year). The run was 5k, and we finished it within 35mins (it tooks us 5 mins to get over the starting line). We had a great day, lots of fun! Here are some other photos... …

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

Welcome to the website

With less than a week to go before we start our trip, everything is a bit manic at the moment... We leave Liverpool this Tuesday night (farewell drinks at Penny Lane Wine Bar on Monday from 9pm onwards), to head down to Bristol to say bye to the West Country Folk (also known as the Kehoe clan). We've finally got this website up and running, so for everyone who's been waiting for it... here it is...…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher